angry13’s chobots

Archive for the ‘Fans’ Category

Yeah. Today it was Umka’s 300th birthday!

UMKAWOW.jpg picture by chowalbum

Awesome! 🙂


hello Bloggers

this is the finnal of miss chobots

and the winner is…

with 251 votes is



jessie2000 its not to bad
you still can try next time

bye bye


Hello Bloggers

Today there were drawing contest you had to draw ME!

The Winners are:



Hello Bloggers

Today is the finnal of miss chobots contest!!!
pick now!!!
vote now!!!


Hello Bloggers

How Are U?

You Voted who you want to kick and it…


Pg We Are missing you!!!

try again next time!

bye bye


Hello Bloggers

How are you?
Today i am talking with go! i asked go! few questions
Here Is The interview:

angry13:Hello go! How are you?

go!:good and you?

angry13:Good Thanks For asking now for the questions

Q)how can i be a mod?

a)you need to work for vayersoft

Q)how can i work there?

A)you have to move to l’viv, Ukraine

Q)how you pick mods?

A)just select in admin interface that someone is mod

Q)do i need to be 18+?


Q)What about {$}chobot{$} he is 14 years old

A)he is exceptional

Q)what mods do in their time?

1. review all the reports
2. monitoring chat log
3. launching quests and competitions
4. replting to emails

Q )how it like to be developer?

but sometimes its hard
and sometimes you have sleepless nights
because f.ex mail server doesnt work

angry13:thank you go! i hop you had a good time here

go!:bye bye

angry13:bye bye go! and bye bye bloggers

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my blog is about chobots i will tell you about partys,cheats,new thing, and alot more... so stay with us and have fun!!! angry13&sniker

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